
You can always ask the court on these cases on simply Anna says again, she is always right. To those in the nunhood or monkhood.....especially nunhood....I meant the girls targeting....your memory and your physical situation, can last longer.

To one Hunger Game requirement, that Flower Thousand Bones (2015) its not conflicts to any of this. "Stay alive."

Most guys they die before the women, that is what the statistic telling us, like 20 years ago, that statistic says man are 70, women are 80.

You know....however long this my father, my mother talks....and my grandpa and grand mom situation. A lot of people dying for very strange reason not just that average means a thing.

You go out somewhere, you die. That is what that Tina Jojo meets. 

Someone just talking to her over the weekend, one weekend, one vacation, lost how many lifes.

There are certain disease format, that associate with the memory. Some related to a cancer.


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