
In America, you have no way access those Obama care, you have to cook, no instant made food, where you gonna get your money?

These people are more neutral the way I see you all interact at UB. Meaning you had some authority to each other in the past, meaning speaking the English well. I was not. When did You seeing me talking to any of you, to bring a subject matter?


You don't get on each other's brain on stress level. So that friendship can stay as that. The life you were choosing with your own hands are ruined. I am telling you try just lose it all, all the way. You cannot handle any part of those...you pretend life, morality, or mortality.

You have no strength, you hate the environment, you ought to be, you imagine to be. 

You don't need to lose it immediately, gradually.....you balance yourself back. No one pushing you to the next journey. Your brain are onto something else other than anything I say. You know its right, but your attention its somewhere else. Whatever that to be. 

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