
๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“ You all girls care about that "hope", no matter what, always have a certain chemistry, whichever age you becoming.... you are. ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

But to Anna very little says to what the ET TV really mean it also, at my expense, how I wish good will for many of you, its not true. I never meant the guy, the next 10 years or this 10 years finding it out....

When they first saw Frozen, they were busy at their professional school, and where is Me? I didn't know whom these people??? On the television? I was busy. That is 8 soon to be 9 years ago. The guys from UB might just think that was funny. 2019...is that they seeing me also in 2018-2020? 

Now I am at 2021 last calling on the facebook Oct to 2022, will be soon 2023. You know what the guys forgotton all things you were....you fallen.

I don't get jealous if they just look at you, I don't think what was what.....but then, if the guys looking at you and finding out that ET and Anna, both of them two were the super villian of all liers skills, that Truth was....if the guys finding it out, you girls will not just

"Forever gone." 

Its a "forever goodbye"? No Matter what? 


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