
You want to get competitivness....well, let me tell you how Zawanna's world works. Its similar like here, the political riots its right in front of the Royal's eyes, but there are division that separate the 2.

You insist to live outbound, where the human chi its not around.

You insist you using those air float car to sounds like growing the vegetable home finally, you making your dream living like America.


You hit each other on those One Direction Amusement Park car...fun fun fun.

One day you die.

That's it.

That world you don't have to die, but you died, the end of the stories. And that freedom you choose it.....its everything wrong that no one teaching you in this world, its EVERYTHING WRONG WRONG and you proud of the left wing, smaller farmer in-hygenic growing methods.

Your nature when you get there, becoming ....so wild. Its every freedom just like here and more. And you mistaken every words not listening to the Greater one, whom heed you every tiny words saying. You don't make it, why don't you make it? 

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