
๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿฅญ Why you care about your 2 cents mouth jobs, on argumentative, glory, fame.....talkative household name? Great Politics to mumble your mouth? ๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿฅญ Say it.

I don't really care about it, long ago, that verdict its done.

You dare to open your mouth, I wonder why. 

You have no precepts in life, to fear God. To Fear....Life in itself. Whom give you that confident, that as long as the precepts does not exist, that Bible will exist?

Tell me? 

Its fun to open your mouth with the tongue, its fun to party food, its fun to noisy all around, its fun there is people passing by, its fun fun fun the air of that stirs, stuttling the sparkly wine and time in meditation?

Tell me.....

What is your religtion, you are so so so proud of your mouth jobs?

Everything got it wrong, and? At the court? 

That 2 cents anymore proudness, why don't you kneel there don't bother getting up.....If I were you.

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