
I didn't listen much, until recently. I responsed. 小鬼小和尚在講你們~我在講你們


You mean the Chinese Little Kids and Little Monks I did on that Web 2.0? They are very rotton. I think...it supposed to be the orphan but there are other older age of them. Its funny, its been almost 1 year pass to almost 6 months, I don't have any expectation what they will ever becoming ....Probably I expecting them to be happy and so small tiny, I probably more meant they initial a conversation or a talk, like having someone kinda exist, they have one extra person to talk to. In that life coming to them growing up...one person they get going to knowing, when they decide to run away, at least give me a call when they touch the wall no more ends.

What I really planning to do, like I explain that Web 2.0 concept in the Librarian Science and Infomatics, its that they get farmiliar from Youtube, to Google Blogger, to Pinterests, to Facebook, to Linkedin. To some people those are not intuitive. Many kids or in order to make a lot of money, they go on those night market, setting up a space, and they starting very young, very tired, very drain out, and given up the school, in order to gain the monitization gains. When people are naturally drown that needs to the Web 2.0, the dynamic learning its multi-media centered. Those words are more in the University where you seeing the resources are distributed. They may not be aware right now what are those. But one day, if they meeting someone whom are not in that space and time, things will get edge, just not right now. They have a very common neutral language.

Steve Jobs has mentioning at his preparation works like he used to doing this NeXT Up educational field, like 80s 90s...before he returns to Apple, that there is some kinda of the intutitive design he later incorperated into every patent things he draw out them for. Nick and I used to have no kids, but he has 2 grand kids. Their entire school...well, because we might be imagine we are so far away from the school years, mine were at Asia, they were in Canada. One kid, one family union, one festivity Moon festival, One Holiday Whom so wish to get together, they have every 2 cents what they know, and that one kid, Alyssa, she probably download me 10 apps, if her phone were 30 apps. Seriously. Those were the bracket for the Small Justin (Bieber) on the Victoria Secrets. The dynamic of the interaction one to one learning curve, to that distant learning through the Internet, the opportunity of that Web 2.0 are endless, through these software they download. I have no ideas what they download, what music they put it on, but they have classmate, friends, they exchange those information on their phone device. You will hear all kinds of things from them, when they show up.

oh ~ The love in the foot of the wiring to that touch? those....the infinite dream of the impossible, I rather put in that context...Meaning Zawanna those garbage human. Some guys gettinig to those 4 limbs exists context/concepts, they become....airy in head obnaustic...psycho, just because they are taller, jump or leaping higher like Dean. They does those things as if the natural selection of the height, the muscle tones to that language only they knew, or well known...just like say, garbage human belongs to that well fed, perfect world they created. I don't believe those filling in the air makes a great couple theory, in those far away remote.....dreaming states. But you have nice hair done today.

Its a quarter after 6 ...what I gonna do? The Earth heat just burn down everything, that is how we live here....

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