
You know America its democratic...whatever you guys doing there, its one side of eye...and China its communism, where situate this eyes....

You see the maps or not? 

I didn't say I come and bothering you all there for that Hollywood Business, I am minding my own business....Communism its where the Ultimate Power of....every technology development, harvesting enough food, improven water sewing system, from the city to the rural

China a lot of the rural places are still very very very bad.....

Trying to be the bunny....

I always say, some destine, staying....in the local community.

Try Everything - Official Video 


Metropolian, this Video saying the Hunger Game, one day, if you ever arrive, are cold places everywhere. You won't like it the central power. To that many few people knew the Artitech plans of the ultimate Top Power.

To that degree where you bound to even in Zawanna World, you still have the freedom of that political powers. They given you all that.

City Life

Its where the perfection of every skills people exist. I born in the Metropolitan, that is unfortunate, the collective power ends in the center of the City Metropolitan.

You read books

You Self improve

You talk to your parents

You making a cooking show

You making some video, try out.  One day you see, if that video piling lists are exactly what I told those guys, trying out the...blue prints. The schematic ways. To why matter you figure it out your own plans?

American gurantee to me One Person Power Right

I like that Earth parts of that saying.

But if you all going outside.....Whichever that dates coming...I will tell you America makes a great perfect world here you can have every dream fulfilled. You see right now everywhere are true fruition of all that. You should believe what I tell you, truely believe that. Don't tempt things your short coming believing it....its wrong, everything you know you thought you know are all wrong. 

Wrong, wrong wrong.

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