
You know that Climate Change I talked in the Kararoke, its more than two tapes on the Youtube 你們知道那個天氣氣候我在星據點講了不只兩個影片在 Youtube

 I don't think I need 4 hours in those places. What day is today? Today its Saturday.



好樂迪靠近台北警察局第一分局那邊有 Buffet 耶~你們現在吃那邊都是全部包~還是我沒有去過你們吃肉食的吃到飽? 我每一次去星據點幹嘛 ? 

算數 = calculate math

天氣氣候 = climate change


That actually are boring, I sit there, one line per line repeating out loud, just saying it out loud, what can that anything at all?

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