
The Suze lady says the Student loans, and your credit cards debts?

How do you get your credit cards debts? 

No, I don't have neither. I finish that student loans in 2010. I told everyone the same things on my FAFSA.

I know how nick pays things, always that Tony, but they are family, he always saying that....the same thing all the time, he is his son.

So does your girls not just criminal mind enstall....like the Secrets saying, and that is small Justin Bieber? He is like Zac Effron at his age bracket and you have no saving at all? Your saving only happens, when you finish off your credit cards debts or the student loans.

Local family of those High School Prom human in Kentucky, many have their parents business like the local hotel, or the local restaurant like Kentucky Fried Chicken....burning down on the insurance money.....

They always saying those things. They high school graduates, and they yield like 2 or 3 kids, per family household. Never grow out of the college standing....

That guy is Scott....In the Video.

If you knew your friends are forcing into a very high expense College all of them....and you insist to glue on them, by the age of 40 years old, if you try outting, you are first divorcing groups of the 40 years old women. Meaning a 40 years old, divorced women on the credit cards debts and the student loans.

(The birds saying so much things now. )

You watching the Movie: Heart Break Kids, yet...? 

Telling everyone in CAC including Dennis watching together and google doc on gossip behind? You don't care about the reality, you only care about the fame, glorious moment of keep Vola....as the Star breaking Heart. A 40 years old...hair still intacts? 

You value yourself too high....

You swear you will never learn, I am pretty sure your parents live with that, knowing that, aging on that. Eye dimmer each night Friday Walking out? Fun?

Anna its on her monitor making great viewing, every hour.

You are on the street right now, or I imagine, you still have a room to go back to, so you have a per Friday Evening on touring this...back up plans, sneaky into their own home, when your parents no longer exist?

All the High School friends betrays you...and none of us knowing you have a background until that day. I was not registering how bad the things were, the first time hearing that, until now seeing a 400 million debts.

For the winning reasons you decide to marry to Chris, and your parents consent that? Or that is just a fake photo shooting since everyone on my facebook might be all fake it?

You went to jail? 

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