
Your proudness will shredding your own spirits, in souls pieces, to thousand millions parts, one day to cease of that existence of the human merits, since you knowing it well....Human body is not sacred to develop anything God says so.

Its Chinese says anyway. 

I think Babaji  meant I 

He meant I didn't explain it very well, at all....

What is that I don't explain very well, per second you open daring your mouth one word wrong.

That is every karma you create per second per thoughts, per word, per seeing, mind, body, thought, inside, outside.

You don't make it, that is your wastinig the human birth time. So many quotes Master teaching, you don't read, hear, so, loving it? 

I mocking you, so there are skills shows up, not that ever will be the competitive figure skates, you so dreaming about....whom care about that stuffs?

There is not one thing, I care.

Not one thing.


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