
๐Ÿฅจ There is a Dennis on my TV ๐Ÿฅจ

And...Dennis, in DC?

Dennis is way taller than Wing. Way Taller....but he has some pimpo issues. But my bother 15 years ago has bad pimpo neck issues, and they all disappear. I don't know about Dennis. But he is as tall as that Earth Prince. True. 

Dennis ....uh, I am not sure you know why or how he becomes his profession. He is very targeting people, if you accumulate debts like we imagined, not the Red Rivers...those reality, he is a very rigid person. And I will probably tell him the same or worse. 

A lot of you, don't look like promising at all. Not even cooking skills to ensure yourself have a future in the future.


Dennis I think he plans his future supposed to follow the way, not to die in fantasy....he is not one of those handsome personality, because....he is more tilted his nose up, like his height.

๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅช They all are?

Well....You don't like Dennis, none of you will like Dennis. He doesn't get close to the girls as he has no skills in the ladies talk, not really.  

๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ’–If you want to get close to that role, you mean Dennsi UB CAC? That Dennis? You better just math good to manifest a paper works like you organize in front of him, speedy ways, how you saying your future its promising to him, your math to get everything clean, neat, tidy, and clear. Meaning English.

Literacy, clearly what you saying what you speaking, what you dwell on reading to him, everything binds to the lawful citizen. He doesn't really look a friendship person to why...you know what you are doing, or you don't know what hang out, he will show up. You don't like Dennis, I told you thousands times. 


I would prefer you all CAC girls just glues on Dennis, like the TV assignments saying to you. Or else these can glueing on him. He is very rigid person, he has no security, none of this guys have the security background, to spelling why that future its...they are selfish, you all means?

They are more the selfish guys, but they ensure that is not they get on the street to fill up debts, and Dennis he is not that kind. That is unfortunately, he is not like Chris or Billy, why marry to a future will never make it. Marriage its....

I don't really know why they get married, to waste each other time to sound like.....Life passing by waste it.

Marriage suppose to mean something important, the right person.

You be happy because that person has a brain. Dennis probably knows that two has zero brain....that is...very sad there is a comic books to spell a lot of things said in there.

Whatever making sense to you, from the outsider seeing it. You waste your life to say marriage vow, and still you lost it all the way to hell. 

Like I always insist saying it. Only guys have a value. girls don't. If you insist you don't lower your attitude ALL the way flat bow kneel, starting inside your room. Seeing your own tears how that flat, bow kneel on the mirror....your pride so higher way...Dennis, he is not pride up person. Not really. That is one thing he is not. The other 2 its. But he is not that judgemental, he is more compassionate, to end up in CAC.

But....You got all the pictures wrong as if that Sailor Moon is writing in waste life wasting time.

No one cares what that reads anyway. Your jobs makes sure he happy, and success in that one role, whatever that role future will becoming.....Like he wished you were 16 long years. He is on your all facebook? I forget everyone has a life. I have zero life.

One phone rules all.....What I will tell you. He did. He wished you all well for 16 long years....he doesn't even know he will have a day to spell he ever will get married and be happy, like the comic books meant it. 

For the Christian World, that Christian Attitude...you all failing all the way....really.

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