
Current time, you are almost world wide to everyone can just access the Google Youtube. Meaning, you can stand on your own Direction (In Chinese of saying), "A Corner of the Direction", "A Water territory"....

Meaning your own Game of Thrones, to where...you probably care about the followers.

When you stays in that bracket of Ages long enough, you will become the dominating factors in many future to come. For example, Eben set on that Lalla's credential, and these video meant your brain didn't got thrown from the disadvantage to know if she grabs that roles. I have seen like ASMR, those very old people white hair, or even including some old man talking none sense on Youtube, they getting clicks. 

I think after this one life, we will all be dead. I think that is the Truth.

But for Eben, if someone tellings me, I looking up, he looking at, like yesterday.... I Anna's brain function on....what is the novel things you read? 

Let me guess..."You are a girl"?

But there are Twins. Like...that agreeing arrogant guys what he will ever do to you? Dr. Steven Hairfield, ever do to you?

You mean the child abuse memory he used to have? He becomes exactly the same like his dad? 

Child abused are the trait of the Catholics priest....

"Its Simon and which half brother, or his real younger brother, the real estate. Eben he is not the brother of Simon."

You mean Kail Red River Manga.

The 7 wife of competitions those blood spills becomes a real novel fantasy? on 19 ?

"Can you see Simon, I have no brain. Its a crown. Let me re-phrase, I cannot understand it ET methods."

There are two adults guys that is not twin. Twin of Songs.

Twin flames? A pheonix reborn? Vola moments?

Never minds....re-phrase. There is a child....if Tesla is not Catholic, and Dr. Steven Hairfied are conversion....on the edge of conversion, he got married, and is American monk on Tibetan. I will tell Simon, I cannot understand it. Not a word.

Why don't you say three of them beaten each other, like Bush beat up Senior Bush on his plate, right at his stomach....that is he young or he older? Romance Journey Victoria Secrets?

Red River Manga means, there are red color? My father its the color blind, so its has to be the highlighter?

So why there is a monster in it? That flies with the wings??

It will come to rescue You? Eben or You? Why you as a child, you become the Eben? When was that...2018, I saw the movies? I say get the kid down on the stage, I do that myself?

Is this the Love Romance Fantasy, or the Thriller murdering fantasy, why ended as the Family reunion at the death gate to spell your own photo, or else I am? 

Not found?


You mean oh ~~~ Red River Manga if that is true on Simon and his Real Brother Nikolas, his mother re-married to the wealthy guys EMI Chairman? He and his brother like Royal Prince, if they are Kail, and you want to be that Yuri girl, so Eben wants to be the Yuri girl?


Eben he is the dating guru. oh ~~~

So between Tesla lost..not found. His brother Dr. Twin....he is found murderer to his best friend. Whom is your best friend?

You mean that 19 Sato Red River Story Plots? That is a comic books.

The actual story of the Red River was because of that Yuri, Zawanna was assasin by she escorting him to the destination of sending someone away? Him away..

Sorry, I got mix up.

Currently I am the maid in Zawanna palace...making all kinds of the...dessert, or they buy outside cake, I give him 3 pieces in the morning with all the drinks assorts teas, pots, all putting in, he doesn't need to get out of his bookroom for the whole morning.

Can you see the menu?

No, they are not on my facebook. I don't really add people on my facebook.

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