
Lunch (CNN)

Its on 30 mins ago.

Babaji: Go

Flood has a history,...in all kinds of dating history. You should have known what was your own history, really. Written or rumor was be. 

伏羲氏王朝(傳16君歷1260年),距今6400年前。 第一代:庖犧氏(太昊羲皇)太昊羲皇:西元前4471年出生,4441年登基,4311年卒,在位131年,享壽161歲。 第二代女媧氏,西元前4310年登基,4181年去世,在位130年。2021年8月7日
Your own google saying what? 4000....
It is 6400 in Chinese.  

A lot of things might be earlier...

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