
Do you want me to commerical my DNA Artarian, you can just go to Simon Cowell, and stream the keywords at? You want to guess it what words Google searching keywords becming the common wealth shared?

I have things written on the Internet, so they are!!! 

They are written in the Traditional Chinese, in case you don't know? Anything about why happened....between the Ancient Chinese ought to be? Called Tu shed? Your brother speakinig French.

Comma (Karma) stoi? 

They are not in the grammer Adam Hailey

They are not in the simplify character. Those are the historical official reading directly dynasty by dynasty that every Era, the real Royal Palace Chef or Royal Chef Guards have to ensure, no one lost them? 

Imagine whom bomb that China door about 100 years ago....Anna keep saying it? Ending up in your own museum, guess? 

The official Chinese history are 4000 years old.  NOT 5000 years old, those cannot be used, if I were you....But for some reason the sequence they have acquired, every Chinese knowing that. 

There are the Age defined....between those what you saying the Beginning of the Han race. Did you reading your own script? That is not Fuxi.

Its Yellow King of King. To that after him, its 炎黃子孫

Meaning the yellow race of that "fire fire" becoming the son and the grandson.

Thereafter, you have 2 more regime, however....those are one Flood King fix guy, before Simon. 

The real history its starting him, before Simon. The really what you called the Wiser or the Wiser of All Virteous Kingship existing anymore after that falls....

You cannot understand a thing at all, what its your major? Art History.

Sorry...wrong sequence here.

Fuxi (not traceble, its a legand myth in the Chinese folktale, not we knowing off the official textbook.)

Yellow King, The Lords of Ring (Fire of Fire Lords) - Telepathy falls.( they are 2 brothers)



Flood         Summer Dynasty (The beginning of all dynasty label)


                  Zo (I Ching begins)

Your best language to saying, it will be Zo.

Anything before that, however you trying to understand, never understand....its all controversial, unless you getting in the Archive Vault. Which to your standing of those hair? I hightly doubts it, you trying to be literate.

The ones before the Dynasty define, are the Wisers of all Virteous, those things are not....anything after certain time mark, in the heart of Chinese. Meaning...all fallen.

No one will related to you anything before.....about Summer. Not really. They know what it is, but they are not textbook says. Its a Moral Good story of something, as a child literacy will know, NEVER the validating stuffs, to say why they are....anything like a vapor.

The definition of the Dynasty before (Kingship)

The Wiser of the Righterous King of King Before

The Beginning before (King of king of King = Yellow Kingship)

There are "unheard last name", there are...groups.  These to the Chinese race, they have no hirarachy beliefs, for those words....are really meant the Last name. Its not relateble. Not at all. Not in the heart or the soul, or the mind, of anyone....because its just One Last name...becoming a legand or myth, or "A story", Folktale legands stated, "they exist".

You should re-write that.

From Top down.

You will get confused, if you do the other way around. The real history dictionary index page.



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