
The guys sometimes just do whatever they want....and they are in a network to supporting.

The girls don't achieve as well as the guys if you putting them together, but I tell you, I worry about my own finance....on the back of my mind. A lot of guys they plan their life very early on. My entire life, I drowsy all the way til now, I didn't do a thing in life. If I would have known....getting a parents talk, getting an advisor saying, how to get a real job. 

In 2020, I keep thinking that, and what happened if I have a facebook again? How strange....I have no idea what happened on the facebook, at all.

No one tells me, I need to get a real job.

My favorite things in my life

Its to sleep, since I got to UB. When the life becoming more settle, UB, its an excuse, I do what I want = I go home, cook, and sleep. Meaning I didn't imagine I have a career finding, to job resume, and finding a real job. 

I went to sleep on the weekend, like Friday night early. You imagine what you see on the TV or heard about. That was before the period cleaning up the liver stones.

That is different. 

But I went to the meditation mode, that methods...if you eating food, you will feeling drowsy, I yelling at them too loud, maybe you should check that. No eating, that is how strict that might be?

So, that would be 22 years pass. One day I woke up....

I try not to sound like I am screaming....Well, they distract me so much, so that my 24 hours, the attention are very occupied. Including those birds. If I focus again on the City life, where you seeing the girls walking, you all so superficiality, these are black hair human, not as tall as any of you, meaning you looking it down, sometimes. 

There are a lot of things the TV I explain to you...its dead all gone. 

I lock myself on the ceiling roof. I have no ideas what's next step at all. 

I was waiting Zawanna them to leave, they putting in a lot of stories, so I plan on it, after they leave, I breath. It never happened the 8 years since 2014, so I know it probably will never happen. 

I probably will dying out a lot of that myself, too....I don't know what to do.  Like a ship with water leaking in, you taken them out, the house has holes, so you put those wooden panel, keep knocking and nail on it, but....no matter how much works keep putting in, the things in front of me....

I look up, its the TV

I open the door, its the street.

I check the facebook, its ...time pass.

= I have only one balcony, and that sky never changes. How come no one waking me up before? And just telling me, people will dying out on the diet? Meaning you tell me whom I am, you telling me how to juicing on those microbiolgy, I will boss all of them, kneel, flat, bow, fix it?! 

Like here is how you do things A to Z, copy and paste it.

You technically asking me to read 100 magazine, to 100 second, and FIXIT

I am fixing it.

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