
He escapes from Shanghai? You know by the thumbnail....he just recently made these several video. Taiwan is behind technology than Shanghai?

You know what happened in Shanghai? He says they seal the city in April, no one has the food. He is from Belgium, isn't Belgium those chocolate manufacture ....they have a Prince too?

He says Taiwan has a working visa. The foreigners. 

Mobile battery from Taiwan, that girls says...also from Shanghai. They all using the wallace electronic, like Apple Pays. They are talking about that TV concept, UPS, all these you called U-bert, Taiwan is...not like China or America. China has a sale website called 掏寶, Taiwan economic...of course not like China.

She says Taipei its high expense? So Shanghai is higher?

Taipei is half rent than Shanghai....So she says Taipei its NEVER NEVEr NEVER metropolian....uh...

By definition its by the population that dense to per square inches, Taiwan, not the city Taipei. The entire Taiwan with the flag its 1/4 of Kentucky State of America.

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