
Your priority it’s fighting against your brother on one book

That’s the priority of it. What can I do for you?

A lot of people have a publication. Your are memoir. You want a mirror to …having stand, no harm just stand by, you write. What’s the words memoir means? Walk across your dead body? American slang ?


Recall your full memory? Like recallation? In retrospect ?


Steve Jobs biography, that is CNN journalist wrote it. 

You can break down 10 weeks, per week one audio. Like a podcast, but on your own phone. You listen to yourself talk out, anything you feel unjustify. Then you copy your own tones of language, write it.

So you have about 10 manuscripts in the small session.

You combine, to edit those words, in phrases. Technically you want to have 10 chapters per book? So that is England says vent you heart ache and soul?

And Middleton has a photo book. SMCH has the amazon number 1 book. Are you getting that?

There is a way doing that. Correct.

She does those things. On 3 photo books. She doesn't really write books, she has audio, its all the transcription jobs, to record it down all her live microphone talk, and that becoming a book.

There is no real substance in it.

Since you cannot possible return to UK, that Amazon has every publication, not manuscript, you imagine....how you get in there. To becoming number 1. You go to buy them.

The comments. Its okay, legal. Those seminar internal public, they do those things. You finding the real testimony, in your own favor. I think....

I think its on the amazon. There might be a word on it. You wishing your brother seeing it first? You buy them. I don't know where, but there are.

You really writing that book, or you just land in the US for proven that book back to UK?

You want to get in the market, or you just want to revenge your brother?

The internet say you have time, so you hire the people writing for you, that serve you great purpose, you don't regret on it?

The memoir, like....Barbra Straisand, you know whom she was? She had a basement architecture book. Its a more of illustrate book, all the addition, or the house renovate, or how she put a stair in it. 

My mother put a stair in here....right at the middle of the Heart, how we all dead family piece for.

The bookstore, you can buy the books, or the Amazon, you can buy the books. In the classifcation where you walking in the bookstore, how people key-in the inventory, its a system. Under that system, you will see the Top, you walking in the Barns & Noble. 

Like Sci-fi, or on the kids playground= children literacy. Those are picture book, with a very simple English words below, as you reading them. 

Hiliary has a biography. Obama has a biography, when they selling them in the Barns & Nobles, its at the middle of the more noticable table.

I went to the Angel's books. Its American one of those radio or best seller, psychi book. Those time, we don't have Amazon yet. It was just Ebay or half.com. 

When I say "publication", well...your gear its more in the ending to becoming a full biography, I am sure, you doing all that memoir, was about you, or you later on how to ....what to...agenda to by those saying. 

Most writer's groups, they look at those table in the Barns & Noble. You can go to the University library shelf, you don't need the card, you can just stand there and read. Those are the academia proven books. Meaning....there is only one purpose only. Its to be cited reference. Its called academia reference. Never Google. You seeing their publisher as the New Jersey, Princeton, London...one of those. Textbook, I guess...

In the writer's book, well....you don't look like you meant its a venting faster sound like a great machine, just hire someone does the job. 

Slovenia President wrote a diary book called Life on Consciousness. It was her SMCH and him, set up with the Taiwanese legistrator on the SMTV camera, to show one day....then he was dead. That would be near those Greece human small tiny country on the map. He has many translation book, probably not the English would be his best saying. The original of his niches would be several language other than the English. Taiwan, squeeze him out of one book in English to Chinese. That would be that one book. 

What is a memoir means?

Like those Hilary book, or your mother's psychi book? It was a fortunate teller, seeing your mother wrote that book. Your mother used to bring certain people, or going somewhere, one of that person its a girl. She is not a writer. She is...more of the superstitious of things how most women related to. She was a psychi. At least that is what I remember. 

Do you mean you want to sell that book, or validate that book to UK with a Plan?

Selling the book meaning you explain to your radio show? oh ~You like listening or comparing the past?

We do meta tags. But we are not the Barns & Nobles key-in system. 

Long time ago, when Yahoo was the beginning, there are something those time called the META Search Engine, meaning the combination of AOL, Yahoo!, Google, ...no Youtube yet, no Meta Cafe yet....nor dailymotion....etc.

There are certain words, its on that definition why they exist there. 

There are a lot of those Eben human productivity Red hair Nadin looking girls, advertising a site, kinda of like, I think....those bookmark reading sites. I forget the name. A lot of the writers, or some people love reading, they go there. 

There are.

You can check the librarian, they help people writing the books. Just 5 mins talk, you know your overall direction. Or you can ask them one simple questions, "What is the Library Classification under, to put the writer digests at, novel, biography, memoir, illustrate book, children's literacy, ....meaning the photo books, are they the more illustrate book by sounding or more kid oriented, so they sell them? "

That is what your British Citizen did. SMCH.

The dog and my Life

The birds of my Life

And the Noble Wild.

Ming, the University of Toronto, was that Birds of Paradise, the last page. There is a name on it....

You tell the librarian, they usually seal their mouth.

You say, "I want this book for something...."

You tell her, what was your plan with that book. Its to sell??? Or??

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