
Girls beyond UB, you need to keep your figures. Taiwan or China | 女孩子在 UB 之外的,你們真的要維持你們自己的身體形狀,台灣或是中國

 I am trying to inject into my UB those....IQ at zero human on life 

我正在試著跟我以前 UB 同學叫做他們大腦智商在零的人生概念 

But the news on my Taiwan Channel | 但是我的台灣電視新聞頻道

With all the guys outside, I am looking at them the eyes where they looking at | 我在外面看到的男孩子看著他們的眼睛在看什麼

You girls need to listen to what I say, this COVID 19, the guys knew all this has a reason 

你們女孩子需要聽我說的,這個 COVID 19 男孩子知道這所有事情是有原因的

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