
hey geography human, I made you all military the pages website looks like a flowing future. By the way, my weight chart, I convert to Kg and Ib

If I overweight to 74kg, that is obesity?

Do you get her medical records? 你們台北算過沒? 她的 BMI? 我的七十四是 obesity


Right now current time its 64.4kg, but after lunch, I didn't really eat anything else. oh ~ I just bite the hell of the chips. Few.

I calculate it wrong 2.24

Its 2.204. So my weight right now its = 142 Ib 

Normal = 107-135 Ib

Fat = overweight = 141-163 Ib

Why would I crave something called 葡式蛋塔 that is what I told Eben we go to find out in KFC menu? I had...One! Few times ago on the ways towards the 101.


你們台北也有  join 減肥寫日記嗎 ? 我為什麼在 craving 葡式蛋塔? 我只吃過一次我記得耶 ! 一個葡式蛋塔要 40 NT, but a Pudding in 7-11 = 12 NT

很昂貴耶! 你們好像是買一整個 box? One full box that is not 40 NT. VERYVERY expensive

(Very very overweight) 

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