
Now, you realize why I keep saying your 4 limbs? | 你們現在覺悟,知道為什麼我一天到晚說你們的四肢?

Isn't that so? 是這樣嗎 ?

You don't have a brain, that has IQ  你們沒有大腦跟裡面的智商

You cannot coordinate your brain to your hands to react the upper body just by listening to the music, response, or something you freeze, or you cannot comprehend, lost in the space of the sea of semen.......你們無法組織你們的大腦跟手去,對這上半身只是聆聽音樂做回應,你們暫停你們自己叫做 freeze 動彈不得,你們無法理解,失魂在...空天的海洋的男身下體的什麼西門...英文的對詞  (絕對音感)


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