
I import the video, and they got deleted?

These device its something wrong with it. 

I jump 2 video, It just meant to re-jumping all around? 

Shut up, birds! 

One is teaching you how to accelerate kinds of....

Then the second its no more talking, just keep jumping? Around, circle? 

Do you know that...

Karen and Adria (Emily and Melinda?) They were always in this UB flag room, knowing about the social dance, they were in or not....then they end up in UB aerobic class, to do those aerobic.

Melinda is not slim down, anywhere hope, I am telling you.

I never done social dance. No. I went to a senior ball with Karen, Adria...if Ayo was there? Its a senior assistant living those elderly, I dance with like 70+ 80 years old one guy. I did. He spins me around. 

I never dance. 

If you getting the nutritions and hydration like the warm soup for Asian growing up embroyic memory....

You will feel more comfer in stomach. I don't know about anything in America, they eat cold food all the time. Asian I need the warm soup sometimes when I was on the fasting stuffs.

Your body = the temple of God its everything made of you.

Now I am reading this high school musical guys singing to the girls...that is not Zawanna stuffs, its just to tell people to keep dancing, and keep fitness. I seen you girls getting super big, and giant, that is completely no hope, while yesterday I walking outside. Bad, bad, bad....

You know I was 62 kg, and when that mess up things happened the juicing parts of the Ice, I went all the way to 66.3 Kg. But I remember clearly at 65kg, I really feel that is the weight. If I slim down to 61.8, that is where about I supposed to be talking to Eben, and then, the real reducing weight program starts. I know that. 

oh ~ my belly, if I sit on my toilet? I used to be thin fasting mode, everyday I sit on the toilet, 2 times, those period of time, if I knew all your guys so cared about the girls shape.  I never think the weight its an issue, the eating is an issue, the expense its an issues, the organization boxes its an issues. The buying options, what you buy its an issues. Pinterests its an issue.

There are a lot of things I never thought was an issue, until I leave my cave far away from it all, to re-absorb into this world...where you all are.


I went to some places to buy stuffs. There are giant fat girls come near by, I suddenly feel just bad bad bad. You don't want to get close to the super giant, and big women. Not really. I feel horrific. That is how big you all getting to becoming? The guys are tall, they always looks fat, but the girls parts, its they wear eye glasses too!!! So. these photo if I enlarge, that is how you see, or if I do those <table>

<tr></tr> those ended with </table>

I always hand type those....small frames photos, you cannot see? 

Is this SMTV got fat too since 9 years ago I saw them, the perfect SMTV human girls ABC and guys?

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