
In this world only two kinds of jobs, one is intellects on problem solving or labor jobs (no GPA required)

A lot of guys are much in the logic brain working on things, so they rise up quickly in their career. Women more on their emotion side, their short brain short circuit cannot apply the knowledge to the practical use of your life basic necessaty use. You understand your own short coming? Then improve it!

When Anna says what was on her Facebook, we are assort honor class to IT APO, you understand the brain issues or your facebook your own liking muscles trash issues on debts?

Comprehensive and reading ability, writing, math, a bit science so to understand the movies it’s the story board only, you break into main character or the main story chaos life Toy Story?

But kids are happy? You understand what you reading your own data without the color?

They becomes a data entry format of a new way looking at or analyze the set of existing data.

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