
The System Data - Living alone?....This video? uh...No. (Like having your own business?)

I can tell you what I think it is, I am not sure if they are to be that exact like my stern rules saying the police man, or the fireman you just marrying one of them in better.

Anna I say, Its better there is a guy next by the girl, on a date, on social message, on contacts, on knowing each other, on near by environment.....BECAUSE, most girls situation are not good when they starting having a business, and living alone. Not exactly I Anna, pulling up on my magic ball and telling you that. I will tell you the system probably meant the police or the fireman. I would say, a guy next by as a friend, FRIENDS, because most guys are not as bad as you think....he knows you have some problems that is up, they will go and talk to someone, they think its something strange going on with that TV, with that script, with that problems. They are clear.

So if you don't solitude yourself to only a PC walls, which most girls, if money coming in, they become more superstitious, its the praying Gods at work, they are more humility running deep.

Girls they eat junks, like a pack of Costco box.

Girls they cry at night, for any stupid reason like "They missing their dog, or their parents at home."

Girls will sit there cry if the bookshelf from IKEA cannot be assemble.

One of those many things they....cannot hold themselves.

Most girls are New Age, Shaman, and Humility running Deep

That is what I would tell Dean. That is why....That.

Just a guy assemble a chair like how they use a screw driver, you will feel your table or chair are steady, but you sent the guys all away, all by yourself when you having a your own business. 

See that chair or carts she did? When you using a screw driver, you need a guy's hand holds and turn that very very very tight.  VERY tight. (8:30)

Trust me, when you really starting your own Photo Public Display of your own unique YouTube Channel, or outfit, or furniture display, by the public affection of the viewers commenting on you

You will know what or how girly you really are!!! Everything I say will repeat all by itself, never fail.

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