
So what was the system things again on the elementary subjects things I Anna say this morning?

Most people after they get out of their university, they don't do the line or square, or they get fat, they don't do the fitness anymore.

To that one category, if your memory didn't fade after fallen in love, too many times, running down your both physical and emotional side of supports, you literally are dead zombies walking on the street.

Most people going to the work, never think the elemental subjects are anything important. They have to stay Vola, so people paying attention to them. Now, the conditioned people, no, they don't do those elemental subjects, not really.

Most scholar are Ph.D, or the Teacher's union, so those people, Professor, University hired, or Military specialists, they have the elemental subjects to back up the situation. Both have different standards. The military has to back up the governmental.

Like when I say Neptune and Uranus issues like me and Lee on the educational side, that is fine.

But in the real those sectors of every affiliate institution research, they fight against the new invention, they have 3 spots. Uranus, Saturn, or Pluto. 

Technically you volunteer your own elemental subjects line, like someone repeat to you something, you list out your textbook? Most people are 3 meals a day human, they don't know their textbook when they vola their schooling all the way to dropping out, keep vola vola vola....its when they will finish vola at all.

Because in every nation, the most back-up forces of human, its the elemental subjects human.  

Like in science and in math. Not the conditioning people, its the real human with a steady IQ, and a constant read out to stay literacy, meaning, they must be able to communicate.

Meaning you know 1+1 = 2, but you can literally use English to speak and say 1 plus 1 is forever equal 2.

When they lightly hinted you the movie: Twlight

Like I told you, you all rather spending your time and money, not to be hinted what the movies says. I am sure American meant you are damaged....legal court always be more humane. Just me no face on it....

If some of you didn't get fire for this event, you will be coming back exactly the same spot, the same place, that very same time, I say. You'll see.

The military, either every military, name including TSA all the way to Black Ops,

Many people believe the dreams and the ability, TRUE. But its best you just knowing how they operate like you born with an intuition how they run that...guessing it the poker, and why you are not the millionaire yet on the slut machine. One of those.

Everyone its God's children
Special and unique....
I can never be more concurred to those line by line statements. Every Shaman words meant it.

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