
So, If I see Ola to Simon, Ola to Prince Charles, yeah, they lost their elementary subjects. When the bankcrupcy comes, they lost everything, that is a lot of people's life. Most time they suicide.

If they maintain their lifestyle, like they shouldn't be bankcrupt?

Zawanna....I am not sure he is teaching them and all a lesson, through what he says, what the TV wife ....their essence of the being I am not sure or he is saying the Prince ideas over all.

But one thing if they live long, it would be saying.... When they were 30 years old, they don't remember when they were 30 years old., not really.

When I was 30 years old, I think they switch the entire entertainment. They did something, as what exactly they did to switch all the back up, that was 9 long years ago. I don't really know what they did.  But they might be just all conditioned people.

You don't know what is your profession, or you don't know many people are conditioned.

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