
Coco, I think she went back to California, a Medical Student, she is not a red hair though.

Still on Ice Fantasy ....you know there is a word Fatasy, not Fantasy?

I thought in Music? Classic Music.

No, I don't live any art works. I burn things down. 

No I don't like any supplements, there is only one protocol, the American military doctors, he taught you many many many things, and literally Cayce Edgar Annually Database just few degree of literacy in anything in there, that is what American Military side put on New Age materials, that is exactly staying close materials. I already check it. 

Curezone protocol are fine. 

I keep telling you, its the microbiology, you infest yourself, once....careless, you ruin your entire being because those parasitic situation require the modern pharmaceutical medicine, to dominating pressing down those infection. Most of the people whom they say they are New Age, they are very lazy.

When you attempting to ruling God's power = the spiritual power, you better watch out. You mean you have no precepts, you have no moral, you have twikle prinkish lies, you love attention, you cannot shut up, argumentative, you have no methodity, meaning your IQ = Zero.

Right now, I eating salad, like Apple, carrots, cucomber + Mayo.

But I have the mug beans sprouts + the brocolli, carrots those as the boiled vegetable with salt some sugar.

I am not entirely on Raw, but I input more because Babaji nagged at. My body required a week or 2 to adjust. You all have this Vola



You must deliver everything in 2 weeks straight. I delay one year, I don't get anything straight, anything to look perfect.

I don't care about it. This is my life, I know what happened.

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