
See how the family together? You don't have any siblings, cousins, family all around? Facebook Friends?

Do you want me to go and pick you up, and send you from ...where are you right now? To Japan? You need to pass by back in Buffalo, UB, seeing something you need?

We pass by Jonathon MD, you feeling more friends around? Whom else near by? Meeting Jonathon's wife, kids, and his dad? He has a brother because right now none of us are talking to each other yet?

Evan, the guitar singer on my facebook black and white, you want to meet him? In the Green shirt of that Resurrection Sunday next by Calvin. I can take you to see the UB 4 blocks, and Bagel J, and all things you get the first hand experience driving all around? Doesn't Wing, you live right there with your parents, you had a BMW pick me up, and you want me to SUV airport cargo you to Jonathon? 

Roswell Jonathon they are probably settle a lot of things, I just have no clue? Pete and Theresa and their family are at the local near that Police park? You get to introducing yourself with them? 

My brother he is in Chicago? Silas and Jonas are near by, the upper forces of that 5 Lakes? Michigan or??? 

Do you want me to go into the TN, we show off some stuffs to your co-workers, whatever you research on the Bill's University in Niko and.....so expensive.... Like we drive around, I tell you what I see, so you feel you done your homeworks, on your eye sight, treasure hunt? Before you leave your Tennessee?

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