
No, its not normal after 16 years you still remember your University or 20 years or 30 years of your middle school textbook, you mean like Climate change or Geography.

Most people cannot do those things. They forget. Most of my classmate they gone to the cram school. I didn't spend that money, first my school were already private middle school.

Second, if let's say US government has an emergency, they find a MD repeating me the entire US medical materials, I can read and listen, and they prononuce the words, like home school. Not a regular school, I can repeat it back to you, everything I understand.

But, if you really asking me to take a Bar Law Exam, or those Medical Exam, I will tell you, I am still very nervous on the English part, your grammar, how you describe a thing, whereas, therefore, thus, some of this are opposite meaning than the Chinese translation.

The simple English I understand. 

When you saying there is a corner of Loving Hut, or O-Town Mail man, not mail man, its the singer man walking pass by.

Toronto loving hut next to the Jewish restaurant, but there is a parking lot, next to it, on my peripheral of the left, but if you saying the direction of the Toronto laws of that every lanes 5 to 7 morning time, cannot park, or they "exclusive" 3 to 5pm,...

I cannot understand what it says.

Which time frames are exclude???

You mean its the outside, of that in-between...we don't have that words.  

Because Toronto lane laws, has parking or the direction of coming in to that Loving Hut, its the next lane, not this lane? You mix up every brain things I see, I hear, I understand. The color of those sign are black or red words, or in the rectangle overall. 

Je Suis anna

None Capisto unglare.


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