
Wing, do you confirm with Vanderbelt, when Anna sees 3 things on the floor, one wither leave, 2 normal leave. Right at....Where the front guard apartment, they meant you work your way to Japan when Vanderbelt they consent like CNN also will be notified?

I don't know whom say what, and what the normal thing of the Medical Board doing things, you finding your own money to get there in Japan, like you follow the stream of TV, to move it the correct location like .....by chance, by family connection, by the situation?

Do you analysis the entire BTX, to send them a report finding the correct Chinese line by line or Japanese, so they know the character, with Karen in it??? Whatever that means?

And do you telling them, what its the situation of your underground fighting to do with an invention in UB robotics? Because this BTX, some military human only cares about the "EYES", to that not Line and Dot cartoon being drawn, the future, to say 2D flat, in ....recent ice skating song?

2D, line or dot, that is 1D???

You saying that is what the military wants, or your Vanderbelt hearing that themselves, knowing you don't tell, or do a thing, yet? 

What is line and dots? Like 櫻桃小丸子 you don't like those 1984 on...Tina's classmate cartoon? Investigation how we change the Exam format entering the University, its my year after. Or its you get fired, none of you required to do anything, its Anna says, Anna making a living?

oh ~

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