
If the Top cabin is not there? (Kitchen) Its empty, you never seen it, I never seen it neither 如果廚房上方的那種 cabins 不再,就是空的牆壁,你們只是沒有見過,我也沒有見過

Certain human has done their kitchen addition, plus, I fix the wall pipe myself. This urban re-new are not going to get here...whenever so soon.


像說通常 Like normally

廚房旁邊有一種打開的櫥櫃,你們很多韓國的那種 ASMR 堆了一堆食物的地方,我也不知道我為什麼要有一個櫥櫃就是堆這種沒有用到的電磁鍋,我不是買了兩個 + 熱水瓶,所以三個巨型的東西我有要現在要用嗎 ? 熱水對 ...那是因為我現在要用保溫瓶。所以這個櫥櫃的打開式三種巨型很重的東西....我也不知道為什麼我的廚房會長這種樣子 ....

Kitchen has a pantry that open and close, you seen a lot of this Korean ASMR they stack up all the food places, I don't know why my pantry has to be stack up all this....electric pots. I bought 2+Heating water kettle, so there are 3 giant things I am going to use them all now??? The Hot water, yeah...but that is because right now I am using the thermal bottle. So that kinds of Pantry opens you will be seeing 3 huge giant things in there.... I don't know why my kitchen looks like that. ....

你們知道最近我有時候去吃甜的餅乾,昨天我吃了兩個巧可利+昨天一個,我的臉上會有一點東西! 是甜的關係! 我很久沒有吃鹹的東西 ~~~

You know recently I told you I eating those sweet cookie? Yesterday I ate 2 chocolate + yesterday 1, my face has something, that is becasue of the sugar!! For a long time I don't eating the salty stuffs?

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