
You finish your fantasy in Physics? When you choosen that close door, or close book Hunger Game/ Catching Fire....windows to when you just shut off the internet? I don't have to be here Blah on.... WHEN?

I mean when you will be close off your Door to your internal struggle of all things all by yourself....you will always have the internet?

That is the Hunger Game?

How long I have to keep doing this ....

You have a Earth known as the internal heating sources, called Earth Grill, Earth heat as the renewable energy, remember that? Not Russian on Waste heat will always on the formula no matter what, just we will NEVER NEVER NEVER turn those energy, such as the mechanical temperature raise high, those are the waste heat on the machine their body itself...you can NEVER extract those heating ground off the machine, you could pour the water on top to cool it off, but NEVER re-useable them. That is why they are the waste heat, BUT...

They are the part of the equation. As the heating being release in the space.  That is why you have a formula to define all that, you do not waste the numerical data for saying, you cannot SEE or OBSERVE with the barren eye sight, something did happened....it will be your thernamonter on that machine to the waste heat form /formats.

Understand that?

So for saying that, the Earth itself has the internal structure, we are on the surface, like the Apple SKin in the Sailor Venus, I repeat that gazillion time, not just the 5 Lords reviews never stop to end in the painting If Were O U Apple.....put a rectangle themselves, to become a Dream W Two World? How funny.....that is a humor, where everyone will end up in my stomach, I just swallowing it down? Ever think what I say at all?

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