
It will be my first time like you, watching a planet internal kind of saying. I knew the basic definition of the 9 planets, that doesn't mean I seeing the details.

Everything else were the Classroom in the elementary, or middle school, those time has the geology or geography, or Chinese Dictionary saying the 9 planets, including the children formats of encyclopedia, or a little older than the children's encyclopedia. 

I never seen these video yet. 

I hear certain things like "Core", I did... but those were the moment I feel, "That is weird. they say core?" In English? 

Do you even know what is the English word when they say core means inside your brain and head imagination? I already telling you, I keep hearing something wrong on my hearing, in English or in Chinese, both time. How many times I keep saying that? 

If I think I hear something wrong, until I really go and listening to finding things, I won't know, I only remember I hear the Core, and Gas giant, nothing make a sense to me whatsoever until I first time seeing that video. That will be everything STOP if they ask me about it.

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