
ET - Telepathy are per second thoughts, as soon as you emit your thought, as soon as fast the first second. Per thought. PER THOUGHT. You want me to keep repeating that? Per thought is the telepathy !!!

If I say kneel, you hesitate, to annoyed, I say cook, you annoyed, you are tired, you are unwilling, your ego got hurt, that one second its in your aura, but everyone can see outside.

Telepathy means how intensive you really meant it = unwilling. You are tired, your physical body are not well, you are feeling very needed to lay down and sit down, or sleep. Including your period, that sharp pain. The guys will never have those sensation on the abdomen, bend all the time required.

Bend required

Bend required all the time 

ET knows exactly what they design, engineered, how or why. Stop eating!!! No salt, no sugar!!! Make sure you hydrate, how about just soak inside the bath tubes.


18:44 Music Degree


If you girls fear, you lean on the guys? ET saying very clearly they are negative? You love bad boy bad boy bad boys??!!!!

They are all male, I think. But the little grey telling you, they are your girls height, without that penis, if you just listening and watching looking clearly, at all.

Are you sure that is what they say?

No clothing?  You mean naked?~

No, you cannot do that. Not separate, you mean One soul in One Ocean, many are wave, like Yogananda books? Shut up~~~ NO! Those are not legal, you cannot identify...you only identify, not soul piecees....You mean the God's particle, that is Tesla theory growing plants!!!

They eat bugs, not particle?

Roaches, the big roach told me. Waiting me outside, including those small lizard, my mother saw, its 4 legs, but one leg missing. I say, do you see tail? She says one leg gone, she is sympathize....they are all on the balcony....

Delivering message. (Shut up, birds)

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