
Is Knift Material Science? Yes. Is Ice Material Science? Chemistry melting points = mp. Boiling point short in B.P.

Then is the Ice Knife material Science? Yes.

Is air-conditional material science? Blinds, individual component are all machinary invention, you assemble them to become individual air-conditioning, dryer, or washer. But technicaly all those individual parts are your hardware store = your trailer hook behind your SUV going on a farmer's market.

Is high volumn washing machine material science? Facet, or holder, handler, individual parts.

Do you patent each individual parts? Most things you are getting somewhere, you cannot patent at, there is an industry standard on each cm, or mm (miller meter), in other words, no one else producing it in the massive scales. 

Is those surrounding banner like the bank sponsor, those cloth material science? See if you burn, or soak water, or sticker. There are different texture of things you wish the people's eyes seeing through the TV are catching, not de-flects light, so no one see the color, or the glossy emit light right at your eyes, you need blinds? There is a standard they will tell you its universal that is what you do, in order to become one of those commerical.

I show you.


On that left, that is a glossy Printing Station they print out in Orillia, you technically walking into a print shop like Office Depot, they do that for you. That is one poster.


Is the Ice Skater turn, rotate, spin on the ground, those are?

Physics laws. Physics, you use physics define each measurement, in velocity, force, vector of these force combine to end a result of the body lean towards...on the foot, on the forward, or you fall on the ice.

So the movies: Ice Princess says were true?

True! uh...but I don't think the trainer or the coach are derive from the material science department, that movie was saying a high school student using her textbook to come out a solution. Whatever the equation on those notes. Normally if the Movie industry dare to do that, they check those facts already.

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