
And what is this Zawanna becoming the long hair....that means usury? High interest of lending?

And it is not Zawanna. Its 亞斯? 

This is not one of those someone imagine a business, to find ways to open a brand new store, those kinds? 

You know, the more I looking at this, the more I remember I used to have a period pain. I talked some what extent things, not that I remember the whole lot, and apparently, you all girls have much more worse condition than mine.

There are some sympton I remember the period pain 月經疼痛

You need to test per monthly, which food inside your mouth going it down, and what happened that month. I do those things.

That time no one educating me. If someone just told me quit eating and drinking, provide a detail protocol, I just directly follow!!! I have to test that long years gone, and now you don't even imagine what it is like without so much pain or so much smell? You know your....water drainage, has to be clear out, if you don't put a net design there?  

The guys would never able to help you, they have zero ideas or feeling what those are? Its the food and the water.....including those liver things too.

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