
Look at that Taiwan French Youtuber, with Pierre + Japan Tommy+Hook looks like Square

They all doing this Carole garbage things.

One year ago, where they were?



That bag will tell you per serving count.

You have total how many serving in one bag.

Usually they meant one serving =100 gram I think.

They are the Taiwan known youtuber, I watching them in 2020. My Youtube has those things sent in, can you imagine in 2 years, that is 2 youtuber going to jail or 3.

When these 4 groups together, no...they don't really mix all that together, but Hailey or that Copy Justin's works 滴妹 they like these guys better. Because these groups they talking things more light, if you saying their own husband to their own brother....

Its never ending yelling at them.

They break laws, what do you expect?

Yeah, I watching a lot of the Youtuber 2020 + TV, how did you get all those songs? Those are not too old of TV shows made and broadcast through Taiwan. If you are back in your country, you suppose to be telling me at all....

They have the shape to maintain, even their face can tell me that.

Can you imagine, I have a 194 country image to maintain....

They are the Taiwan youtuber...

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