
我最近常常有某種感覺感受~電視上掛的嫌犯都是男孩子,叫做壞蛋,但是在真實現實的附近全部都是女孩子有問題~而且真的變成女監獄受刑人~在國外的那種詞很恐怖,如果你們講英文的那一天變成那種東西,外國人只看外在叫做 ...唯一的現實!

I often think strange things laterly on this Taiwan news, all are male criminals.

But then, to my really all around near by....its all the girls end up in jailed. In Chinese or in English Female Prison inmate are the extremely terrible terms, do you know that?

I say the White race human by just hearing those words, they only have the superficiality, really....the only reality.


The System its the System Nature

做監獄還女的,這鑑別 ...

Going to jail and a girl, this kind of distinction...

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