
I explain to you something, its for everyone. You thought about someone he is really really really not important.

And one day, truth be hold, it will become true, he will never be important enough and gone.

Just exactly like you wished. For me, I can live with that. They are not important to me, not really.

But for you, they did meant something for some strangest reason you don't know they exist in your life. 

You get jealous never provide a 4 stove meals.

You get jealous they get a flower

You jealous they get a gift bag

You get jealous they have a paycheck and you don't.

You jealous they have friends.

You jealous they have things, i don't even know a list down, whatever all these meant to me...its a listing down words after words after playing words to me. 

I meant it, very very seriously, something wrong inside your brain, they for some strangest reason to eat a BLT, you have to be angry staring at them, they cannot eat it, their heart going up and down, and they smile, its means??! If they talk to a friend, it means?!

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