
Or do you want to ask some Jury, Judges all together, this ET makes someone a Name on the TV, does she getting those money for really....Who she was, or she had a background, so when SMCH saysing meditate to...a schedule, whichever she says, she Anna did what.....to become a TV?

And if you all striving to be morally right and fit, and pass that High Tech, this world Earth can give you money? So in case you going home, for any reason, you feeling to be righterous sounds like a Bible to start? 

You surpassing this world technology, you want to bet on that One Thing, external factors, to all that might be never Earthly bothering you talk, everyone its your enemy?

We do not know whom given that saying on Flower Thousand Bone, you go by ET, or Nodic, or some higher civilization to the Earthly condition.....you make it that standard? 






2014 One whole year....whom would be there? Knowing that?


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