
A guy can have a lot a lot girls around him, that you seeing those health aspect, each of you girls be happy, and he will be happy you all be happy.

And how is your reading, I don't read this language for a long time, I cannot understand anything they were saying, very frustrated. 

NBL its not NBA

Michael Vartan has the voice, and that Dean doesn't have the voice on Frozen, you remember that or I remember that?

You know that same line, you know what is a BLT? Its a menu sandwich in Loving Hut. 

And why that line L and B upside down?

God Original Response   NEPODA

God Original Resolute       BENO

That's original God Original resolute, I should say like that.

Ihos Ku resplendence    LEB

God Original Sceptor       BOMO

Ihos Ku Spiritual power     TUB

Ihos Ku Solution                QOB

We don't need all that.

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