
Listen to what I say to you, not you imagine yourself to yourself. You want to create a living space. Ever hear those English words? 你聽過那種講法嗎 ? 你想要創建一個住的環境

You need to put your math skills in it. I will tell you, not just IRS, not just your inner core thought about business lasting forever....

When you creating a living space in America

You don't have a lot of options to those pre-existing city zoning district on the school zones, on the bus stop zone, to where the land tax or property tax, not the sale tax, those were the pre-existing factors. 

Do you girls wants to talk on the Internet, not Web 2.0, just input your comment box, to where this guy and you exchange your information or all these more established youngsters? You talking to them startinig at 2022 Winter, like me talking to you 2021 Oct ends up the National Archive those guard human Ms Congeniality....you will feel, not 20 years down the road, what if, you just opening your mouth on the first year the first day, you pushing yourself to the horizon, when in 5 years down the road,

You didn't even begin, and in 20 years, you have thought if you just done some homeworks, you won't be where you will be in 20 years?

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