
๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ•๐Ÿซ I can tell you one thousand things those garbage human does garbage things saying the garbage stuffs....and you care about those Zawanna and Kail saying? ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ•๐Ÿซ

Things don't happen, I won't even think about it.

Every so often, they just saying the garbage stuffs none stop. 

So You learn Chinese its to Reading the Comic books from Japan in the 90s. 

Where Anna I grew up stuffs? You don't have your own comic books in America?

Comic Books: ็™ฝ่‰ฒๅœ“่ˆžๆ›ฒ

That girl's name = Lake Metropo (litan) ๆน–้ƒฝ

The curls hairs of that Indian guy holding at. The story was about she has a financee blonde hair he saved the dog, not her when she jump fense, and she met half way someone got a gun shot in the party first book entry. The Indian guy. He says about a legand of his God.

One day, because her father or her business type are the wedding dress. You can see that the first book the beginning. Her tasks are to get 10 customers. She got 2 I think...through a rich wealthy girl.

In between this story ...well I only read the first 2 or 3 books. The Police, the Father, the Military rank of these two guys: Indian guy and the Blonde guys clashed.

You saying the romance to that girl's affair story whom she should marry to.

The first book or the second book. Those two military rank clash. The indian guy says, "My rank in this military its higher than your respect Japan country these rank, you suppose to?"


The third book its where his room completely got destroyed and she pretends to be a boy hop on a truck trying to? Save him. 

Guess who will die first?

That Zawanna in 39 and 40? How sweet...I didn't read anymore okay?

I remember 25 years ago, he goes away, and she slept at the fire place with that blonde guy together and one day he came back. That was the only memory I have.

Certain things I don't dare to keep reading on.

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