
As the girls like you ( You need to lower your head down all the time in the business world, especially to every guys for their 2 cents how they succeed. If I were you, you still re-start A to Z, Anna 2 cents telling you long time ago)

You polish your attitude, your langauge, your outfit, your appearance, how you talk, how you say things, how you stand, how you prescript a situation, how you verbalize, how you bring out a point, out of the mess situation. 

Show people your writing sample, show people your organization, show people your everything.

Eben says that. Everything. 


I Anna will tell you, everything about your presentation = Judgemental

Everyone talking to you, its you hate them. You jealous them, or they are better than you, you hate them. They have a name, a look, a recipe, you wish they die. Its at your feeling at your head, at your eye sight gazing at your clients (?) How many times I say that this one week?

When its the first time I saying that? 

You bring a point to discuss a situation, not the STAR galaxy. Not the Star counsel you will ever be. Not the Educational Committee for kids under age, Not the Laws, not the Medical, and certainly never COPS 16, or Science Convention center you fail people One to One thousands. You capable to do that? Iron fist?

You are arguing your Parents below points.

Not initial a discussion to where things get done. All the data putting in, plot it. That's it! 

You know what's Honorable Superior means?

Yeah, explain to me? Its to deliver the entire sentient beings like a priest Top? Your face, your attitude, your language of tones has to cover yourself fake? You feeling you are fake all the way how you deal with everyone? You hate every human? 

How is the spider looks to you points and dots? What did I say before? Seen it?  If you just listen to Buddha decree, if you just listening to the Buddha decree....if you only were....

Tell me what you know about Annie Lalla?

Someone came to say goodbye, they used to like about her? You hope that is not a true case? What would that ever be? The Truth? As a girl I will put down her, until she really gone? Shut up!  (Birds, Shut it)

You can have a character what you prefer to express your liking and dislike. Approve or disapproval. That kinds of quality you will see a lot of those Mushroom Professor human like Ancient Chasez has.

Not Patrick.....those stern human looks at their face....its not they judging you, its you just wrong all the way to the buttom of the pit.

You don't understand a word I say.

You are very very very judgemental.

Everyone has something you can say nice things to them, encourage them their life, but not the wrong things they keep doing it. You become the educator, your life goal has to be those. You ever see those educator filled up with the attitude to say Hippi?

My birds say 3....

So Keegan, and this Heather, I put on the news posts.

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