
Some people like me will decent tell you the Truth, when your life is down, meaning 20 years you see no hope in your life, not inside you, outside you....and you don't get up your butt for the wind, air, sun to hurt you, or the ice....to ground you what God Bible says, or the comic book says Military methods, running, jogging, self training...you will sunk it inside your mind, for imagining these story are you, and you gamble on the Shot of that Millenium Bible says the ending....

Eben will agree with me, when I say these to you.

When I ask Dennis to leash on your bank, so you be honest, flat, bow kneel..its to ensure you don't gambling mai nature right on your bank, just like on your inside thinking.

You seeing that bank money down, the house one month near the foreclosure....that is you pick up what baggage you walkinig out of the thin air, to breath the cold? 

High latittude State Winter Breeze? Seeing church bell sound on Christmas, you walking walking walking to where? 

You doing things in this World Wide 194 country scale nature like me? okay....I might just get let go in the wind, are you ready yourself to sleep outside, and don't die on people, just like your pride high up to your nose up up up?

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