
The Site Sell teaches you things to be real.

They even teach you how to make money. I am not in your career field, I probably belongs to those home sitting, home making money groups. Like the mom, or housewife. Let’s say, nick and I used to be together, real, the Canadian border you say they lie? It’s the several copies of the invitation letters. 

The site sell will teach you be real, be genuine on your material, brings that values in your article. 

I use Google blogger, I don’t care anymore keywords targeting anymore This is called tag. I play layout more, because my nature likes those Lawsuit case layout, in design. I like the design, but those are not robot examine. I think it’s more of text, they robot can do something.

๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ… Shut up ~~~

Okay, I re-phrase. 

When I land to Simon google plus, that was not to corresponding to the movie. I had a career field, I pull to Simon Cowell. I didn’t have the reason telling him. Now I have a reason?

But in the middle of the discussion, I saw several movies indicator, we got pushed. 

So I start to flood the internet with the data, image and sound format since 2014, that’s 9 years -1. No 2020.

But in 2020, I had my mother push me, to Career 104 Sites, to send out resume. I have only receiving phone calls, I then go to the interview. I told my mom. 

Several things happened …I told not just my mom. 2021, I start to connect to my near by family including I have continue my I Ching study, I told you, the real human goes out does the real things?

No, I don’t know the system. Not that time. You cannot corresponding to the movie like me to whom? You will get fired. That’s what happened in the real time. 

But several systems might be created because that one incident, or every other systems being established after that. 

Let’s say, Eben me get married, the first thing I sent him to, would be hospital. Like cosmetic skin medical equipment new tech. It’s both our age to do check up. The US too expensive, a lot of people move overseas to do the health check up. As long as you do the check-up. 


Knows the shopping lists Tina’s shopping lists?

People stand on the system outside watching you the purchasing power. They know you are hope high you have a future or not. You don’t need a plastic bag. Not really. What do you really buy?

Sports and Gym

You mean you lost jobs so you Prostitute or you lost your marriage so you networks at the shower site. You imagine the YouTubers makes money, those counts? You got it wrong. 

Between the age of 30-40 it’s everyone heighten the only interests to the career furthur advancement. Like 100%, your brain it’s not working if you don’t accumulate the wealth or go far with your profolio. Whichever people receiving them, you pushing your career or the brain power for someone to see your organization structure. 

After 104, I told my uncles wife, I think something wrong with Irene.

I say Tina, I say Square, I say Tina’s best friend Hong Kong all their husband drain out money. I stop. I cannot understand what happened, recently I found out. The system doesn’t give me money or favor me money, but they prefer they sort my family emergency, whatever that is. 

Not money first, your family first. I used to say that over and over. 

I told you a lot of things, really. I did. 

Girls to date guys 

It’s best you have a bf, even fake on CNN included. I think that’s a part of life. 

You are not normal. The guys factors might be higher too. They hold money, power and statues. It’s better you drop your career and be with a guys and collects your parents and your parents circle make them happy.

You are not a quality girl, not home cooking, not home chore, not home bounce accident. The guys don’t like you….I say a lot of things, those are not for the system. You should just believe it the Bible. The guys have certain life force they agree you exist or not. 

Let’s say you communication …those real estate not good, but those are guys. I don’t know the system on that part, Annca or Astor. They are not family. If they are not family, I get rid of them. But they are on the television…uh…it might be worse, so I leave, I go somewhere else I need. That’s me and Eben things. 

Not everything I know about the system, but if you communicate with the guys, I still think it might be better. That may not have anything to do with the systems. You don’t treat the guys nice, you don’t courtesy the girls nice. You target everyone like an enemy.

Did I say there is something wrong with you?

Education sector 

University professor 

I told you a lot of genuine things.  You are doing very dangerous things.

Those are bad people, your university it’s not all the worsen people you see if you stays in the school activities, not off campus jobs. I say that. That’s a real job resume things. I know that one. You don’t last long in the same jobs if you insist your activities are outside school campus. 

All the system design it’s to ensure your happiness and personal attainment, full filled life.

Eliminating crime, and diseases. 

It’s everything I already told you. You be happy with the human, not birds. ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฎ Shut up ~~

Animals, bird, dogs? I don’t know about the sky. 

No. Their intention it’s pure. Only one things.

Power !

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