
I think Dr. Gabriel or Dr. Steven Hairfield MD or PhD they all have their Skype on consueling the people on ...fitness, or you intent to intrude their fields, they are about to die, you listen to their tones, of voices, and the vocabulary.

SMTV brings more of the educational credential people on. 

Dr. Gabriel he is a MD, and Dr. Steven Hairfield he is a Ph.D. They both have their ways to create their success niches about 40 years ago? Like you see Dr. Steven's website he tells you where he been to? Coast radio? 

Things are not cheap, but you get the quality content if you get the real human talking with the real vocabulary. You listen different, you feel the confident different, your built up things different, you see things a little bit different. 

If I Anna has something I focus on? One things like a niche?

Right now?

uh....base on the On-line Protocol, or in the real life hobby? Its not related to Mahavatar Babaji, but many people might think they themselves are.

But Anna I watch too many TV. Different TV. Its not limited to a lot of things I have shown you. I watched a lot of TV and YouTube clips. Its may not be a niche....well, daily schedule, I put it out the intention, I don't really know what it is the end of all this. Where is my money, you mean?

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