
The figure skate, they are not...super important fitness gerne to the public eyes. When you entering the Fitness Guru field, some human will knock you down directly, because it gets close to the people's allergy, breathing, asthma...one of those life and death situation. You don't want to get close to any of that.

Like I Anna do hobby, showing people what I do, but I didn't advise people to do what?

Running? No, I say walking. 

Another thing I tell you, I might really have this ! I better just get fat and die on it, not really go and curing the public for health, where all the Weight Loss Guru are wide spread everywhere. The Weight Loss Field, I think its very very very competitive. The Dietitian, the nutritionist, home mom, black home wife, those coach certificate, like NLP...those people are very very spread it out even in this seminar where Eben collects people go. His price its very high, but if you can get to the cheap, free seminar, like...you pay some money to see Dr. Gabriel, you will meeting a lot of this wide spread different background of coaches publishers writers. 

She sits right next by me. We are on the last row lean on the wall. Dr. Gabriel was on his powerpoint slides. (Shut up, birds)

A lot of this international people coming into America as well.

They will find out things to bring back to their country to make a new trend. They are. 

Haye House Publishing

Those you can ask Dr. Steven, I actually didn't hear a thing he says, you can just tell him that. I was occupied in my minds different things. Gregg Braden also uses Haye House publishing.

I thought I say to you, the College Textbook, or the Medical Publishing people also have the author they put their names on making a book? 

Its also publishers required. Its the School distribute them, the committee board of the University decide which educational materials will be brought out, on that year of the textbook?

Didn't I write everyone a Self publishing on Site Sell stuffs?

Everyone does a book publishing at the end. 

I will tell you, its better you have some Degree on the Top, to manage anything in the IQ field. No matter what it seems to you every public degree you like the people in the presentation or not. The public, or the audience one day, they go back to their family doctors, wherever they come from.

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