
Something Gonna Give (40s 50s 60s ) that girls looks like the mother of the Lovely Bones (2009), kinda like Constatine Mummy Girl

What was the old guy's name again? Nickson....

Why they sounds like Jimmy Carter one of those names. 

๐Ÿง€๐Ÿง€๐Ÿง€ ~~~~ Just finish eating...a muffin pork breakfast on the road, an instant cup small noodles, and a cup of Chocolate powder Chocolate instant drinks ice + hot water....what was it again....๐Ÿง€๐Ÿง€๐Ÿง€ I forget the milk today.

Isn't a lot of girls mentioned the names...this far from 20+ to 50 + can all answering to that one poor guy, sent himself to Poland, what was his name, I almost thought he meant he is Donald....what. 

I just seeing his profile. oh ~ I didn't have time this afternoon. That is a guy, not that super old like nickson. He meant you answer him questions? Like a Testimony?


"This is ice....cold". That guy its on the Linkedin with Eben next by photo. I saw it.   You are girls having something to hide, you don't want to introducing yourself to him....he is a what?

This story its about an Old guy takes 4 or 5 girls looks like that girl, to....surround a bar, where the young guys coming in.

I just saw his photo, uh....he doesn't looks like that I imagine first time I saw the small thumbnail, like Donald.

What was this trailer again? 

... ... Keanu says ...

I think, oh ! 

What about if you all 20+to 50+...9 years ago, where were you age at? 

There is a Nancy Meyer, there is her kid

There is that old guy, not sure dead yet, with Keanu Reeves

There is this Donald Linkedin

How you bow your head and talk like....how do you open your mouth and TALK?

I can tell you what I think the first time I watch this movie. Nancy Meyer wrote a lot of movies, I think. Or Proof reading a lot of the movies herself. 

Proof Reading meaning you copy her words says, she sat down with one human looks like somebody, and they sit there 6 hours or 4 hours line by lines going with each words on it. 

My used to be UK writing paper. Torture English class.  Its every few words wrong.

This movie was unusual to me. That time 2014. It was a long while I seen a movie....like a novel says. The plot did meant, there is a story from a writer writing it down at the windows.

This entire drama, its a soap opera. 

A lot of Chick flip movies doesn't looks like a soap opera. This one does.

Most time, the experience guys in the fields will tell you, they know what that story its about. Just seeing the opening. The rest of that doesn't mean a thing.

I give you an example, just like the movies tells you.

That is what nick is great for.

There are 3 girls on the beach, too hot....no food, no drink, sat there chatting. They feel they need to come indoor and eat something at this Big mansion house, Some one start cooking in that fridge. Guess whom would that maid? 


Second example, you are freaking out in the doctors offices, whatever that is. Not Sex....

Sitting on that hospital chairs, to whom the MD doctors you wish next by you to talk to that someone to reliable one....it would be the old guys. Like your dad.

You need a ride

You need a Costco Cards for a banquet of flower

You need a coffee, warm with ice.

One old guys can handle 3 girls in that setting, in a dinner conversation or in a car ride, or a hospital seats.

You want one girl handling 3 guys, standing in the hospital filling up their 3 human paper works?

Cooking 3 guy's a meal, take 3 guys a ride...like driving !!!!

Like me on my Linkedin, Silas, Dean and Lee? I say "Let's go" !! We are all from UB, we going on the main street?

You can just improve your life awareness whatever their meaning big or small, or implying or denouce....at it. There is not much a big deal whatever it says don't says. If you don't efforts yourself in, you never make it.

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