
A lot of people because they are not smart enough, or their nature, they left the School, its useless, they never gang up police, its the street culture they love, so they do without the military, without the FDA, without the Govermental All regulations laws make...

They will pick a field, called Business.

You go to the seminar, these are all kinds of the people like that. Not the Tape Water company I say I Chemist exist field. Those inspectors requires liscense, not just your general chemistry textbook you don't remember what it is in there.

A lot of people cannot get in the governmental, so they go to the private, or self starting the jobs, or the career or the company.

They gamble | They really go to Casino | Female

You wish you never found out the Truth of every Water Tape company, or Phone company combines one data, what you are, whom you are, what you really are. 

People needs Friends | Needs Faces | Need Banquet for the big friendships

Many of those things are fake. The real things will never show up to you. Because you are a girl. The friendship on your phones are fake, the network connections are fake.

You rather just go to jail the first day, to find out all data, copying their head....what is the true world, how everyone steal, lie, bankrupt others money. 

You dare to tear apart every face, including those in the worse degree of the extreme punishment, you see if one human dare to show up unlawfully. 

You make it a clear statement or every statement how someone will die horrifically and penniless....you have that confidence, you try out the business worlds. 

I have other options, why I even bother with all those things anyway? 


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