
That Bible of Yours....suppose to be a book you cherish and holding it very very dearly it every single words in it. To that not every Worlds having a book, or a pen, to even hear one Word from God.

To that God's made Man to that later there is a women, you ought to bowl, kneel, flat to every second you show up on that Television screen. To that I ever seen, its none.

To that Eon, Kalpha, you going on your life after life, you will remember.....to that every human guys, you wishing to deliver...that one piece of paper, they don't end up saying no, Long long long time pass.....

You can start your first day tomorrow, how to walking into those Police station or the Fire man...department, or the Border.

Having their Captain scales.....walking out, meeting your future husband, how that standard they stand, they talk, they look at you, when you present all this however you sound like you talking right.

Or simply asking your dad.....one meeting. 

Before this Forever life cycle, you wish....you just starting it right, someone mocking you, never ending tale.

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